Welcome to Hexbot
Hi! We're an Australian couple who enjoy making things.
Hexbot is the fun little mascot we made because we like hexagons and robots. Plus wings and a hat. Why not.
We have a YouTube Channel where we post videos of our creative process. Our blog's here are largely so that we can explain the materials and equipment we use, and give you more of an insight into our thoughts and feelings throughout our projects.
We've created this largely so that we can share our process while we build our house! By hand, to clarify, for those not in the know. Starting from the very basics of making the mud bricks, all the way to putting in the plumbing and electricity. We'll be almost entirely off the grid, power from solar and water from the rain. I'm sure there are some curious people who'd like to follow along, welcome to the journey.
Thanks to Cam's parents for offering us this amazing opportunity, having done it themselves, and for helping us out. You can find a lot of their work on their website. Check out Chittering Acres~